Care Guidelines for Obesity

Partnerschip Overweight Netherlands (PON)

NASO is associate member of PON.

The PON is an umbrella organization of medical and paramedical professional associations, patient organizations, scientific and public health organizations and health insurers.

The PON members works together on an optimal approach to curb overweight and obesity for children and adults. It advises the government, among others, on policy in the field of overweight and obesity in the Netherlands. Connecting prevention and care is an emphatic part of PON’s mission.


*** New guidelines for the treatment of overweight and obesity ***
Overweight and obesity are worthy of proper diagnostics on the potential causes, of support and treatment for weight and weight-related health management and of a personalized approach.

The development of the revised guideline was initiated and led by the Partnership Overweight Netherlands (for the adult part) and Care for Obesity (for the child part), in collaboration with many professional and patient organizations and with support from the Knowledge Institute of the Federation of Medical Specialists. The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) funded the revision of the guideline as part of the National Prevention Agreement.

All materials and documents related specifically to the basic model network approach for overweight and obese adults, ‘Basismodel Netwerlaanpak voor Volwassenen en Kinderen met Overgewicht en Obesitas:

More information about ‘Kind naar Gezonder Gewicht’: